DIY Solar in the UK
Matt McCorry, a month ago
There are many companies offering to install solar panels. DIY should be an option, as it is elsewhere, but how does it work in the UK? In…
There are many companies offering to install solar panels. DIY should be an option, as it is elsewhere, but how does it work in the UK? In…
Over the years, I had many different employment contracts, with different pension implications. Let's compare them. PAYE The bog standard…
I've been working on a codebase at work. One of the standards we are tying to implement is removing usage of We had some old code where we…
Regular Savings Accounts In the UK, it is common for banks to offer loss leader regular savings accounts. Normally you can pay in a set…
Overview Recently, I had to re-fix the mortgage on my house. As with most people, the rate went up. Fine, I was expecting that. What…
Program Overview My energy provider has a system where on particular days they offer refund for reducing energy below your average…
Problem Train tickets to London from Brighton are expensive. There are annual season tickets, but are they really worth it? Back in the day…
Optimising Tax as a Salaried Employee Problem The is much information as to how one can minimise tax due when working via a limited company…
Fiddler Fiddler is a web debugger. You can use it to intercept web requests made by the browser, capture the data sent, replay etc. There…
FluentAssertions with Moq For many years we (my team) have used FluentAssertions to make assertions within unit tests. It allows you to make…
Nominal Typing Problem Recently I have been working on a new proof of concept product. For speed, much of the API returns dictionaries, then…
React Dates Working with dates in React causes problems. JSON has no date format, so the API will serve up strings with the dates in ISO…
SignalR SignalR is a Microsoft technology that allows push messages from the server to the client. Under the hood, it uses a variety of…
Analysers Analysers are compiler plugins that allow checking of source code, or more specifically the AST generated from the source code…
Impressions of Vue vs React Whilst the two are client side JavaScript frameworks there are some major differences in the usage. Component…